Armor Concept


The concept of Armor is simple: create a Web3 wallet that knows what you have, understands what's happening in the market, and provides options and suggestions for investing. Armor is context-based and conversational. You can discuss your current portfolio and the narratives you are investing in with Armor. While it can't predict the future, it can process enormous amounts of data and provide emotion-free recommendations and insights.


Have a chat, get insights

We want users to check-in with Armor on a regular basis. To just casually chat and discuss the state of a users portfolio. Something you can do while standing in line or sitting on the subway.


Always there for you

Armor can compose and execute on your behalf. It can setup and monitor complex trades and keep all our position under tight control.


AI Agent based

When using Armor Wallet you work with AI Agent that you task to do various activities such as research a token or topic or run a DCA over a few months. Agents both operate autonomously and learn from the discussions they have with you. Agents act as your personal crypto trading desk.


No answered, good suggestions

If an AI could predict the market, then we would not be building this. We would sit back and enjoy a life on the beach. As a result Armor is trying to get as much useful info from the market and more importantly your insights, perspective and trading history will inform Armor and how it trades or suggests options to you.



(Armor Design Rules)


Actionable insights

All responses from Armor should provide meaningful information that users can use to make informed decisions. For instance, providing intraday high/low values is not useful to users because they won't know how to interpret that information, rendering it of no value to them.


Advise not predict

Armor is designed to lead a conversation, not just respond to questions. It needs to provide updates and details on what is happening in the market or with a token. It’s there to monitor and inform you when it's a good time to do X or Y.


Risk is good

Models are, in part, a product of their creators. As a result, we often incorporate our cognitive biases into our products. Since academics are typically not traders, models tend to be risk-averse in nature. However, risk is inherent in everything you do in crypto. Armor embraces risk as a valuable factor, defined by the relationship a user builds with it. We all have different risk tolerances, which change over time. In a bull market, our risk tolerance is typically much higher than in a bear market. Armor considers these factors when providing insights and recommendations.


Text to trade

All responses from Armor need to provide meaningful information that users can use to make decisions. For example, providing intraday high/low values is not useful to users because they won't know what to do with that information, making it of no value to them.